LinuxChiq wrote:

I gave make install a try, copied an example file from the lilypond homepage,
and gave it a shot. Here's the result:

GNU LilyPond 2.4.2 Processing `/home/trinity/' Parsing... Interpreting music... warning: lily-guile: installation problem: deprecated encoding requested: "feta-music"

Any suggestions at this point?



Sorry, I can not remember for sure which packages were missing. Suppose they were 1) something-dev ? 2) some newer versions (of some gnome-related software? pango? -for some reason I've installed pango-1.5.2 from source; possibly for trying --enable-gui)

- Did you do ./configure make make install ?? (This was what Mats suggested, I think)
- Or did you try make install after make all?
- And did you get any decent output from Perhaps you can ignore the above-mentioned lily-guile -warning?
- Sure you did this buildscripts/ if you did an upgrade of lilypond??
- And of course you did source the buildscripts/out/lilypond-profile, didn't you?

(BTW, I did build texinfo 4.7 from source, can be done on Suse as well, but this might also have needed some extra packages ... maybe there is something weird going on in my installation of Suse??)

best regards,

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