Very welcome Marco,

Look at this
  \set fingeringOrientations = #'(down right up)
  <c-1 e-3 a-5>4
The 1 shall be below the c
The 3 to the right of the e
The 5 above the chord

The individual directions in the #'(       ) determine where each fingering is 


-----Original Message-----
From: Marco Bianchi [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2017 12:39 PM
To: Mark Stephen Mrotek <>;
Subject: Re: Fingering position inside chords

Thank you Mark,
I've studied that part but I still don't understand how can I move only the "3" 
to the left when it is inside a chord.
I need to choose independently the position of the fingers for every note of 
the chord.
Can you show me the code?

Thank you very much,

On 19/09/2017 20:09, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:
> Marco,
> Have a look at
> fingering-instructions
> Mark
> From: lilypond-user 
> [] On Behalf 
> Of Marco Bianchi
> Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2017 1:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: Fingering position inside chords
> Hi,
> I'm trying to have all the fingerings aligned to the left as in the picture.
> Is there a way to move independently every single fingering inside the chord?
> My workaround (see the code) it's not perfect and uses an hidden note in a 
> second voice.
> Thank you very much,
> have a nice day.
> Marco
> \version "2.19.65"
> \language "english"
> \relative c {
>    \clef "treble_8"
>    \time 3/8
>    \key a \major
>    <<
>      { \hideNotes \once \override Fingering.extra-offset = #'(-4.2 . -1.4) 
> gs''8-3 }
>      \\
>      { \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left) <bs,-4 ds-2 gs> <bs-4 ds-2 
> gs-3>4 }
>    >>
> }

Marco Bianchi

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