2017-09-19 22:47 GMT+02:00 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com> writes:
>> I tried to get something helpful from FingeringColumn, but I didn't
>> found any useful pointers apart from the ones grob-interface delivers.
>> Is it really not possible to get Fingering from FingeringColumn directly ??
>> (one could catch the PaperColumn and then filter for Fingerings, but
>> this sounds clumsy...)
>> Also, fingeringOrientations set left, not only prints Fingering at the
>> left, but also left-aligned, where I'd prefer them to be center-align.
> Oh?  I'd want them right-aligned when they are to the left.

A matter of taste, I'd say. Though we don't have any (sub-)property
which could be used.
Play around with the Fingering-override above ...


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