Scott ODell wrote :
The PDF output from this lilypond file has a weird problem. At the end of line four, the notes start running of the page. I attached the PDF output, the lilypond file, and the log file for you to look at and find the problem.Some small tips :
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\header { dedication = "Dedicated to Vedran Smailovic in admiration, and in mourning for the suffering people of Bosnia-Herzegovina."
title = "The 'Cellist of Sarjevo" subtitle = "A Lament in Rondo Form for Solo 'Cello"
composer = "David Wilde"
\score {
\notes { \clef bass \time 12/4
c,2.( c,4) des,2( c,2. ~ c,4) r2 r2 c,4 c,-- \grace ees,8( des,4. c,8) c,2. ~ c,4 r2 \time 9/4 r2 f,4 ( f, ) ees,8. ( des,16 ) c,8. ( bes,16 ) bes,2 ( a,4 ) \time 12/4 a,-- g,4. ( f,8 ) a,2. ~ a,4 a,-. ( a,-. ) a, ( \grace c8 ( bes,4. ) a,8 ) \time 9/4 a,2 ( g,4 ~ g,2. ) r2. \time 12/4 c,2. c,4-- \grace ees,8 ( des,4. c,8 ) c,2. ~ c,4 r2 r4 g,4-. ( g,-. ) g, ( c bes, ) a,2 ( d4 ) c2. ~ c4 c2 des4---> c4. ( c,8 ) a,4 ( \grace c8 ( bes,4. ) a,8 ) a,2 ( g,4 ) r4 \grace ees,8 ( des,4. ) c,8 ~ c,2. r2. dis'2. ~ \time 10/4 dis'8. g'16 ( fis'2 ) r8 dis'16 ( g' fis'4 ) fis ~ \times 1/5 { fis16 g ( fis eis fis ) } dis'8. ( a16 ) cis'2 ( b4 ) \clef treble \time 12/4 a'2. fis'4.-- g'4.-- e'4-- fis' ( d' ) e' r g' ~ \time 9/4 g'2. e'4. f'4. d'4 e' ( c' ) \clef bass \time 3/2 \times 2/3 {des'4 bes c'} \times 2/5 { a8 ( bes ges aes f ) } \times 2/9 {ges16 ( ees f des ees c des bes, c ) } \time 12/4 aes,32 bes, g, ~ g,2 ~ g,4 c4. ( bes,8 ) a2. }
lilypond-user mailing list
1- have a look at the documentation, section 5.1.13 Tuplets, and keep in mind that if you'd like,
where there is place for 2 notes, put 3 of them. you'll have to use \times 2/3 {a b c}.
For 5 in place of 4, it is then \times 4/5 {a b c d e} ...
So, bar 10 should have
\times 4/5 { fis16 g ( fis eis fis ) }
instead of
\times 1/5 { fis16 g ( fis eis fis ) }
2- I personaly dont use barchecks (the pipe sign on french keyboards is <AltGr> + <6> )
neither point-n-click. But for a more readable input, I place each bar on a new line and,
depending on the stuff, introduce barnumbers as comment (easier locating after printing
since I search for a sring "%% 125" if I notice a mistyping in this area) every 10 bars
or upon request (tutti after a solo).
In bar 10, there are 11 quater notes for \time 10/4 (let's say one too much)
dis'8. g'16 ( fis'2 ) r8 dis'16 ( g' fis'4 ) fis ~ \times 4/5 { fis16 g ( fis eis fis ) } dis'8. ( a16 ) cis'2 ( b4 )
Hope this will help dealing with Lily...
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