Rerun lilypond with the flag lilypond --verbose ... and send a copy of the printouts to the mailing list.
Martin Willett wrote:
Martin Willett wrote: Hi -- I recently upgraded to version 2.5.3 from the lilypond site (I was using 2.4.1 quite successfully), .rpm for Fedora Core 3 (with) ec-fonts- mftraced-1.0.9-1.noarch.rpm, and I get this message when I run the program: Preprocessing graphical objects... warning: conflicting metric coding parmesanMusic) and font_encoding (fetaMusic)
The output is fine musically, but the text font is the wrong size and typestyle, running all over itself. Advice, please?
Mats wrote: I would recommend you to use the latest stable version, 2.4.x, instead of the experimental development versions in 2.5.x, unless you have a very good reason to do otherwise.
Martin Willett reply: I (--force) re-installed 2.4.3 and ec-fonts-mftraced-1.0.9-1.noarch.rpm. Now at the very end of the lilypond command, after apparently processing the music ok, I get:
Error invoking `dvips -t "letter" - Ppdf [filename] > /dev/null 2>&1 '. Return value 256 Converting to `[filename].pdf'...Error invoking `ps2pdf - sPAPERSIZE="letter" [filename].ps > /dev/null 2>&1 '. Return value 256
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