On 2017-05-25 00:45, Don Gingrich wrote:
I've been looking and looking and I cannot
find any useful references to export file
formats from LilyPond.

Now, I will agree that LilyPond's PDF output
is very good looking and is actually my preferred
sheet music, But the sad reality it that there are
people who do exist who use tools other than
LilyPond, and that occasionally it becomes
necessary to exchange files with these poor
benighted souls. ;-)

hi don,

if you'll forgive me for self-promotion, i'm a contributor to an open source project (https://ncodamusic.org/) which aims to support translation between a number of music formats, including lilypond import and export.

it's early in development, so definitely not helpful to you in its current state. but i know you're not the only person interested in this, so i just wanted to put this on the radar.


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