On Thu 25 May 2017 at 18:34:24 (+1000), Don Gingrich wrote:
> On Thu, 25 May 2017 09:08:35 Richard Shann wrote:
> > On Thu, 2017-05-25 at 17:45 +1000, Don Gingrich wrote:
> > > If not, then I suggest that this is a "lock-in" similar
> > > to that of some of the M$ programs.
> > 
> > There is a crucial difference, you are entitled, indeed, encouraged to
> > write such an exporter.
> > 
> > Richard
> OK, 
> I'll agree with that. Just feeing frustrated at the moment
> since my primary collaborator is essentially 100% Finale
> and has some idiosyncratic ideas about how music should
> be handled.
> His thinking is that for Folk Music, the musician should learn
> "by ear", though as a concession, he'll allow scores. And the
> MP3 files that I generate in a work-flow that is: 
> MIDI -> WAV ->MP3
> Don't satisfy him. 
> <Grumble>

I think you need to do some straight-talking with this person.
They don't believe in scores, but think that you should have
to convert your LP scores to Finale.

They think that musicians should learn by ear, but don't
approve of your sound files.

It's easy to have idiosyncratic ideas, difficult to put them
into practice. They just want to unload the effort onto you.


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