Hi Joseph, Showing the use of \offset within Kieren's rewrite (you do need to add some space between the staves):
On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 7:25 PM, Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> wrote: > Hi Joseph, > >> I am trying to set the following measure: > > The attached modified snippet does what you want, I believe. Note that I > tweaked the Beam.positions AND added padding between the PianoStaff staves. > > Hope this helps! > Kieren. > > %%% SNIPPET BEGINS > \version "2.19.58" > \language "english" > > global = { > \key e \minor > \time 4/4 > } > > rightOne = \relative c'' { > \global > b16 as b cs as8. b16 b8 fs'16 cs! d8 as! | > } > > rightTwo = \relative c'' { > \global > d,8 [cs~] \stemDown \tweak Beam.positions #'(-4.5 . -5.25) cs \change Staff > = "left" \stemUp fs16 cs d8 as b8 fs'16 cs | > } > with \offset: rightTwo = \relative c'' { \global d,8 [cs~] \stemDown \offset positions #'(1.25 . 1) Beam cs \change Staff = "left" \stemUp fs16 cs d8 as b8 fs'16 cs | } Hope this helps- David _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user