May I request some help? I am trying to set the following measure: In my Lilypond code below, I cannot get the beam slope to appear as desired in beats two and three. I tried using the \offset positions #'(x . x) Beam command with various values for the numbers, but cannot produce the desire results. Can someone recommend how to do this? Please feel free to cite the appropriate location in the documentation. I am obviously not looking in the right location See the following Lilypond code: \version "2.19.58" \language "english" global = { \key e \minor \time 4/4 } rightOne = \relative c'' { \global b16 as b cs as8. b16 b8 fs'16 cs! d8 as! | } rightTwo = \relative c'' { \global d,8 [cs~] \stemDown cs \change Staff = "left" \stemUp fs16 cs d8 as b8 fs'16 cs | } leftOne = \relative c' { \global } leftTwo = \relative c' { \global fs,8 e fs4 r2 | } pedal = \relative c { \global r2 r8 fs fs4-\parenthesize \mordent | } \score { << \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "right" << \rightOne \\ \rightTwo >> \new Staff = "left" { \clef bass << \leftOne \\ \leftTwo >> } >> \new Staff = "pedal" { \clef bass \pedal } >> } Thanks for any suggestions that anyone is willing to provide. Joe Srednicki
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