<have@anti.capital> writes:

> Why don't I ask you to name a notation that does something that
> Parallel Squares could NOT do? Or, if I reversed the roles, and every
> tune on http://abcnotation.com were in my notation, and I approached,
> telling you about the ABC or GUIDO notation I invented, would you see
> any merit in it, or any real reason to implement ABC or GUIDO... Ever?

Sure.  LilyPond was created by the same authors who wrote Mpp, a music
preprocessor for MusiXTeX which is somewhat similarly compact and
cryptic as your proposal.

Semilinear notations haven't made the race in math (how great it would
be if you'd express every mathematical formula in FORTRAN, how easy to
understand and derive proofs, right?) or in music (Gregorian neumes are
basically linearly written and preceded the square notation which
followed it).

How do you expect to notate heptuplets against trioles?  Least common
multiple?  Good luck reading your voice as set against that of other
voices and figuring out the relation to the beat.  Have you tried
setting some polyrhythmic Chopin with your system and actually _playing_

What is your actual musical background and proficiency?

> But in any case, I am not a programmer, and have never participated in
> the creation of free software.

Are you a musician?  What instrument do you play at what level of

> Before you dismiss my format, and now that you have a sense for how it
> works, I implore you to at least try composing in a text editor, any
> piece of music, simple for now, to feel how natural it is. Think about
> what this could do - one could comfortably convey all the information
> conveyed by sheet music, using only notepad.exe.

Reality check: LilyPond source can be written using only notepad.exe and
conveys all the information written down.  So can abc.  So can Mpp,
MusixTeX, MuTeX and others.

> There's nothing like it.

That is not valuable in itself.

David Kastrup

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