> I actually meant using an include file like the attached and not having
> to add the music function locally at all.

Since this include file had been posted I've been using it with great
pleasure and like it very much.

There is one problem I'd like to vanish.

It seems extender lines stop at the end of a bar (this seems to hold for
the autoextender as well as for extender lines drawn by appending '__'
to a syllable - never realized that before). However in the attached
example I would like the extender line end in Bar 3.

How could I achieve that?

Kind regards,
 Michael Gerdau       email: m...@qata.de
 GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver
\version "2.19.55"

\include "autoextenders.ily"

soprano = \relative b {
  r2. b4.~( b4 cis8 d2.~ d4.)
sopranoVerse = \lyricmode {

\new Staff = "s1a2A"  { \soprano }
\addlyrics { \sopranoVerse }

Attachment: autoextender-test.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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