Hi again Samuel,

great that you find it useful. Yes, the minimum-length is well-tweakable; the default will likely be different in the "final" version. This version for killing extenders is my old and home-grown solution for my use cases and by no means optimized. It's not been long since Joram discovered that it is far more versatile and can be used to eliminate superfluous extenders, which allows exactly the functionality you asked for.

On 2016-12-19 23:30, Simon Albrecht wrote:
On 19.12.2016 23:18, Br. Samuel Springuel wrote:
It'll take a bit to apply the autoextenders to all my scores in this

If you have access to a standard Unix shell, the call
sed -i -e '1s/^/\\include "autoextenders.ily"\n/' -e 's/\\lyricmode/\\autoextenders\\lyricmode/' *.ly
might do wonders. Make a backup before, though.

Maybe the Windows users on the list have an equivalent Powershell command or can recommend a decent editor with that functionality?

Maybe the autoextenders function could be added to
toplevel-music-functions (a list of functions which will be applied to
all music in the score). [...]

Simon, very good catch. Indeed this will work; \autoextenders only touches lyrics. Replace
  \new Score { ... }
  \score { ... }
  \new Score { \autoextenders { ... } }
  \score { \autoextenders { ... } }
and you should be good to go. Could be sed'ed as well, of course.

Or that’s just too much of a hassle, since we can expect the
functionality to end up in Lilypond proper soon.

Let's hope so!


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