Hans Åberg <haber...@telia.com> writes:

>> On 9 Feb 2017, at 23:53, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
>> Hans Åberg <haber...@telia.com> writes:
>>>> On 9 Feb 2017, at 23:44, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
>>>> Hans Åberg <haber...@telia.com> writes:
>>>>>> On 9 Feb 2017, at 23:24, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Hans Åberg <haber...@telia.com> writes:
>>>>>>>> On 9 Feb 2017, at 23:10, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hans Åberg <haber...@telia.com> writes:
>>>>>>>>>> On 9 Feb 2017, at 22:47, Cole Ingraham <coledingra...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I've used Sagittal notation based on http://x31eq.com/lilypond/
>>>>>>>>>> before. I don't know if that still works with more recent versions
>>>>>>>>>> though. Haven't touched it in a while.
>>>>>>>>> I get an error in LilyPond 2.19.45, with an unbound variable "parser":
>>>>>>>>> error: GUILE signaled an error for the expression beginning here
>>>>>>>>> # (ly:parser-set-note-names parser EqualFiftythreePitchNames)
>>>>>>>>> Unbound variable: parser
>>>>>>>> Is there any reason people don't use convert-ly when upgrading to a
>>>>>>>> newer version?
>>>>>>> Maybe because it is in some library files.
>>>>>> That doesn't even make sense.
>>>>> The code makes use of three different external libraries.
>>>> So?  Why wouldn't you upgrade the libraries when upgrading LilyPond?
>>> Those are not my libraries. I updated some, that is hacked them to
>>> work, but that was a year ago.
>> And that means that you are not allowed to run convert-ly on them but
>> have to edit them by hand instead?
>> I'll stick with my "that doesn't even make sense" verdict, thank you
>> very much.
> Why don't you do it? I have posted the code. So all you have to do is
> to hack it back, as indicated above,

The code you uploaded is already fixed.  Taking regular.ly from
x31eq.com and running convert-ly -ed -f 2.18.0 on it fixes the syntax.

> and then run convert-ly on them to see if it works.

It does.

So is there any reason people don't use convert-ly when upgrading to a
newer version?

David Kastrup

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