2017-01-14 23:41 GMT+01:00 J Martin Rushton <martinrushto...@btinternet.com>:
> On 14/01/17 22:34, Hans Aikema wrote:
>>> On 14 Jan 2017, at 23:32, Hans Aikema <hans.aik...@aikebah.net> wrote:
>>>> On 14 Jan 2017, at 23:14, J Martin Rushton 
>>>> <martinrushto...@btinternet.com> wrote:
>>>> Progress.  That seems to have sorted out the syntax errors but there's
>>>> an issue with one variable:
>>>> -------------------%<----------------------
>>>> Processing `.../file.ly'
>>>> Parsing...
>>>> Interpreting music...
>>>> Preprocessing graphical objects...
>>>> Finding the ideal number of pages...
>>>> Fitting music on 1 page...
>>>> Drawing systems....../file.ly:51:36: While evaluating arguments to eq?
>>>> in expression (eq? UP (ly:tuplet-bracket::calc-direction x)):
>>>> .../file.ly:51:36: Unbound variable: UP
>>>> exited with status: 1
>>>> -------------------%<--------------------
>>> Can you try replacing
>>> UP in that line by 1
>>> and DOWN in that line by -1
>>> apparently the version of Lilypond in use does not yet have these 
>>> constatnts defined (values taken from internalsreference: 
>>> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/internals/tupletbracket)
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>> Better yet… as you mentioned 2.14
>> try #UP and #DOWN instead
>> (http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.14/Documentation/internals/tupletbracket)
> #UP and #DOWN changed one error to dozens :-(
> 1 and -1 looks more hopeful though :-)
>   #(define (invert-direction x) (if (eq? 1
> (ly:tuplet-bracket::calc-direction x)) -1 1))
> =>
> Drawing systems....../file.ly:51:43: In expression
> (ly:tuplet-bracket::calc-direction x):
> .../file.ly:51:43: Unbound variable: ly:tuplet-bracket::calc-direction

Strange, no idea what happens there.
At least all that is already defined in 2.14.2

With my lily-2.14.2 I can do in terminal:

~$ lilypond-2-14-2 -e '(scm-style-repl)'
GNU LilyPond 2.14.2
guile> UP
guile> DOWN
guile> ly:tuplet-bracket::calc-direction
#<primitive-procedure ly:tuplet-bracket::calc-direction>

All there and available...


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