> On 14 Jan 2017, at 22:33, J Martin Rushton <martinrushto...@btinternet.com> 
> wrote:
> On 14/01/17 21:27, Hans Aikema wrote:
>>> Op 14 jan. 2017 om 21:51 heeft J Martin Rushton 
>>> <martinrushto...@btinternet.com> het volgende geschreven:
>>> I'm guessing things aren't that simple, can I mix scheme and LP in the
>>> same input file?  I don't have access to the code, this is embedded
>>> within a larger application.  At present all I have is a \relative { ...
>>> } block, all the meody lies within that.
>>> Regards,
>>> Martin
>> If you want an as close as possible replica my first advice would be to drop 
>> the intermediate program and work directly with lilypond (that is: if I 
>> understand you correctly that the intermediate program that you're working 
>> in will only let you edit the contents of the music block) Many layout 
>> tweaks require code outside of the music block.
> Not an option unfortunately.  The code generates a score embedded within
> a web page.  That's why it is a low version.
> Martin
Sounds like you have to use the MediaWiki Score extension?


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