Trevor Bača-2 wrote
> ...Quite a collection of extensions! Other LilyPond users with even
> minimal Git experience will find it easy to
> clone the repository. And LilyPond users without Git experience might be
> interested in knowing that they can cut-and-paste directly from many of
> the
> openlilylib files directly into their own scores. The entire project is
> really worth checking out.
> Thanks again,
> Trevor.

And as a brief aside - if I may say so - Trevor, thank YOU so much for all
the work you have put (and still put) into Abjad.

I use it all the time. I use it in almost every composition. It's the first
thing I go to when preparing a new piece, and for getting a lot of options
in front of me. Nothing "algorithmic", just pure boatloads of options.

I love being able to create structure, set some boundaries, and then get a
ton of inspiration from Abjad in a matter of hours instead of months. Such
an amazing, powerful utility - and thanks for doing it in Python too :)

I love the direction that Abjad is going...hope it keeps on going strong!


composer | sound designer 
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