Am 22.11.2016 um 14:29 schrieb SoundsFromSound:
> Thanks Andrew!
> Quick question, what is the difference between this openlilylib page and the
> other website?
> Are these the same snippets overlapped or are they different content? I've
> only really known about and used the but
> openlilylib looks great! Love the layout and material.

openLilyLib is sort of a complement to the LSR, with some significant

openLilyLib snippets (and packages) are designed to be includable. That
means once you have "installed" openLilyLib (by downloading/cloning and
adding it to LilyPond's include path) you can access the functionality
exposed in openLilyLib. Snippets from the LSR have to be copied and
pasted in your own files.

OLL is managed as a Git repository on Github. This makes it easier to
contribute and update, which more or less was the motivation to start
with it.

In addition to the "snippets" repository there is a newer infrastructure
(but still more or less undocumented ...) that allows to create
"packages" of coherent functionality. As an example: Given the
respective packages are installed you can for example write

\include "scholarly/package.ily"
\loadModule scholarly.annotate

in your document and have commands available as e.g. \criticalRemark.
This package infrastructure also provides tools like option handling and
logging features.


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