Am 25.12.2016 um 17:27 schrieb Thomas Morley:
> 2016-12-24 9:07 GMT+01:00 Andrew Bernard <>:
>> Hi All,
>> When adjusting the number of beams on stems on a beamed group that go across
>> a rest within the group, I often get the following type of issue:
>> {
>>   c'32[
>>   \set stemLeftBeamCount = #3
>>   \set stemRightBeamCount = #1
>>   c' c'16\rest
>>   \set stemLeftBeamCount = #1
>>   \set stemRightBeamCount = #3
>>   c'32 c']
>> }
>> I am well aware that a way to deal with this is to create a new voice just
>> for the rests for the duration of the beamed set, but with hundreds of these
>> in my score this quickly becomes tiresome.
>> This was previously discussed here:
>> But at this point in time, is there a magic setting amongst all the arcane
>> beam machinery that can assist with this? Or would it be unreasonable to
>> propose a request for enhancement to make this common scenario easier to
>> code?
>> Sorry
>> Andrew
> Hi Andrew,
> below some coding which tries to do it all automagically.
> I'm pretty confident it will always work for beamed stems at rests,
> though not that sure for the beamed stems at notes.
> If you notice bugs please report back.

Bummer, this makes me sadly recall that I still have this "project" of
rewriting the beaming code open :-(
I think if I would have managed to finish that (or if I'll ever have the
time to pick it up [help and encouragment welcome ;-) ]) these problems
should also be covered.


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