Hi Alexander,

> Confirmed by a two-minute test without recompiling anything (I use
> bohoomils repo for infinality, not the aur package). Could you do me a
> favor and double-check whether the skylines change if you replace
> {cairo,fontconfig,freetype2} by
> {cairo,fontconfig,freetype2}-infinality-ultimate (possibly along with
> the lib32- variants)?
> No hurry, though, I'll have to find time to investigate more, and
> whether the configuration can be changed to leave Lily's music fonts
> alone...

I used to use only the fonts repo.

I now added

Server = http://bohoomil.com/repo/x86_64


Server = http://bohoomil.com/repo/multilib/x86_64

to my pacman.conf and installed
{cairo,fontconfig,freetype2}-infinality-ultimateall (plus lib32 variants)

The skyline seems to be like in your 2.19.53 example.
Going back to ArchLinux stock repos again gives your 2.19.50 version
(which I seem to like better)

Kind regards,
 Michael Gerdau       email: m...@qata.de
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