> So the mgd in the mail address is the same mgd who mentioned problems 
> with the infinality-bundle on aur/lilypond-devel? Well, guess what 
> resolved my problems... (Turned up as first hit after I had the correct 
> idea, and searched for "Lilypond onfinality".)

Yes, that's me :)

> Confirmed by a two-minute test without recompiling anything (I use 
> bohoomils repo for infinality, not the aur package). Could you do me a 
> favor and double-check whether the skylines change if you replace 
> {cairo,fontconfig,freetype2} by 
> {cairo,fontconfig,freetype2}-infinality-ultimate (possibly along with 
> the lib32- variants)?
> No hurry, though, I'll have to find time to investigate more, and 
> whether the configuration can be changed to leave Lily's music fonts 
> alone...

Will do that when I'll return home tonight.

Kind regards,
Michael Gerdau       email: m...@qata.de
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