Simon Albrecht-2 wrote
> On 06.12.2016 16:03, Ben Lemon wrote:
>> I highly suggest reading the
>> great learning material that is on the LilyPond website. It's very
>> in-depth
>> and a great introduction.
> Though the Notation Reference is a really huge beast and it’s not 
> necessary to read it entirely. Instead, just use it to look things up if 
> you get across them (e.g. using the Index), and read the Learning Manual 
> for starters. That, however should actually be read entirely, and 
> thoroughly – it will save you a lot of time getting the grips with 
> LilyPond, and also explain how to use the other manuals.
> Best, Simon
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Simon, that's what I meant: the learning manual, but I referenced the
Notation manual in my link just because of the context of the question
itself. Glissando lines, etc. Sorry for the confusion. Thought both manuals
made sense how I described it.

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