clapana wrote
> Yes, I've read that snippet but when I simply wrote \glissando on other
> parts, it worked, like here:
> {
> <ges\harmonic bes''>\glissando( <ees\harmonic g''>)
> }
> I suppose the glissando line actually is there but there isn't enough
> space
> to show it properly.
> Anyway I'll check the voices part on the manual, thanks!


Correct - if there is not enough space, the gliss will not show but that
doesn't mean it's not "there". :)
Terms like "minimum length" and whatnot are things you'll come across a lot,
as you tweak your scores but as a beginner, I highly suggest reading the
great learning material that is on the LilyPond website. It's very in-depth
and a great introduction.
(for example)

I've made some videos too if you prefer visual help, here's a link to some
LilyPond beginner tutorials if you're interested:

Welcome to LilyPond :)

composer | sound designer 
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