Hi Andrew,

This reply is not about Photoscore.
But there is maybe another "sort of hacky solution", which works for Finale and 
maybe also works in Sibelius. (I don't have Sibelius);

The midi-files I generate with LilyPond are opened, by default, in Finale and 
as a bonus one gets the complete but unadorned score in Finale. Just the notes. 
No lyrics, exporessive marks, ties yes but no slurs etc.  One other caveat: 
Finale does not recognize partial measures so you have to make a copy with only 
full measures.
Just a suggestion.

Best regards,
Robert Blackstone

On 22 Nov 2016, at 11:13 , N. Andrew Walsh <n.andrew.wa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi List,
> I've unfortunately run up against a suddenly very urgent deadline, that 
> involves all the worst things about doing engraving work with Lily while 
> trying to work with entrenched commercial interests.
> Namely, I've spent the last year engraving a set of scores with Lily that 
> look great, but for a project that was financed by a large commercial 
> publisher that is dead-set on Sibelius. The financing depends on the 
> publisher getting a .sib file, and the project lead just told me yesterday 
> that I need to produce such a file in a week or two "or else."
> I don't have Sibelius (I roll linux), but my partner does, so Urs and I have 
> a sort of hacky solution that might work: I start with a blank sib file with 
> all the voices and measures and meter changes, and then the individual voices 
> of the score from the .ly file. The .sib file gets exported to a MusicXML 
> file, as do the parts from the .ly file, and we're going to try to copy the 
> latter into the former, hoping that we can re-import into Sibelius into 
> something that only requires a reasonable amount of work to clean up and 
> submit.
> Problem is, MusicXML is turning out to be somewhat … sub-functional, so we're 
> having difficulties.
> However, my partner tells me that there's a commercial program called 
> "Photoscore" that can take scanned scores and produce Sibelius files from 
> them. But it's around $400, and (obviously) doesn't have a linux version.
> My question for the list is: do any of you have this program? Does it work? 
> If so, would you be willing to help me by scanning in the Lilypond scores I 
> have? If we could get to a .sib file that even just *mostly* contains what it 
> needs to, without all this import/export buggery, it would save huge amounts 
> of time.
> Please let me know asap if any of you do. Like I said, I'm under a deadline 
> to get this done, and the alternative is a lot of time spent commuting to a 
> computer lab off-site to re-enter everything manually. I'm *really* hoping 
> one of you can spare me that fate.
> Cheers,
> A
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