Simon Albrecht-2 wrote
> On 18.11.2016 18:47, SoundsFromSound wrote:
>> Will someone be brought on to "replace" your primary role specifically,
>> or
>> will your role default and merge onto the existing members who have
>> already
>> been active on the development team alongside you for the past years?
>> Just
>> curious what this transition means for the future releases of LilyPond
>> and
>> such.
> Administration of testing and releases has never been David’s job, 
> that’s the invaluable (! :-) ) merit of James and Phil, mainly. In fact, 
> David’s position was never formally specified and thus won’t be 
> refilled. (Which is obviously not to diminish his merits as a kind of 
> spiritus rector.)
> Best, Simon
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Hi Simon,

I know that, yes, but I was just meaning to ask about the coding work etc
that David has done a lot of over the years. 

I don't know all the programming jargon and delegation of roles, please
forgive me - but I always got the impression that David did a lot of the
everyday coding and bug fixing and adding new features, stuff like that. 

Sorry if I mixed that up!

composer | sound designer 
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