Francisco Vila <> writes:

> David: I don't know what to say. I am very grateful to you for your
> huge, unvaluable work and I wish you luck.

In spite of the respectively English and Latin prefixes having the same
formal meaning, the meaning of the resulting composites "unvaluable" and
"invaluable" is surprisingly different.  I will assume that you were
intending the latter.  Programmer bashing is rarely seen on this list,
recent exceptions notwithstanding.

> Will you be available for punctual, emergency calls for help?

Punctual?  No.  A full-time job does not allow me timely responses.  It
will also be hard to afford significant investments of concentration.
As opposed to the admirable skills of many contributors here, I find it
very hard to maintain focus on more than one endeavor without completely
messing up with other responsibilities.  That was the principal reason
for not taking on other jobs but asking for financial support from the
LilyPond community while trying to deal with LilyPond issues in want of
full concentration.  Even with my mixed record in productivity, there
was quite a lot that I could not have accomplished otherwise.

So it's unlikely that I'll be investing time during the week as I also
will need to brush up on several skills in my purportedly free time.
I'll certainly be using LilyPond for my own needs in music, and I might
work on some architectural issues on a glacial time scale but I have to
closely watch how much that may affect my productivity elsewhere.

David Kastrup

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