Dear Ponderers,

something I just came across while pondering away: in the following snippet, there are two ties across barlines.


\version "2.19.35"

\score {
  \relative c'' {

    | a2 r8 a8 ( a ) b ~
    | b2 r8 b8 ( a ) b ~
    | b2 r2


I've wondered why in the first instance, the tie is a down-tie, while in the second it's an up-tie (see attached screenshot). Is there a reason for this? Something like visual balance?

I'm running Lilypond on a Mac. And I should add, that I'm really just curious, I don't have a problem with this behaviour. I'm guessing that this can only occur with notes inhabiting the middle staff line, right?

Anyway, take care,

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