
While trying to add slightly more complex fingerings (button label +
finger number) on top of some scores, I'm facing a problem with ties
on the following structure:

  << {f'2~} {s8 d'4.~} {s4 b4~} {s4. g8} >>
  <f b d' f'>4. <f f'>8 |

(This is some "simplification" that would look ugly if I would tie
five chords together; it should be clear enough for the player, so I
would like to leave this visual output.)

I'm misusing lyrics to add fingerings because that was the only way I
found so far that gives me satisfactory output (with horrible and very
error-prone input).

I would like to put a label on top of every note/chord (I don't need
it on the last one), but for some (unknown to me) reason Lilypond
skips all notes in the structure when I use ties. The attachment
demonstrates this. The labels in the first two measures look ok, but
the labels in the second two measures skip some notes. (Fingerings in
the third example look OK, but are not visually appealing.) Sure, I'm
aware that the second note in a tie should not get its own lyrics, but
I would expect five "slots" in the 3rd and 4th measure for example (4
in the 3rd measure and one in the 4th measure, skipping the first
chord in the 4th measure).

I want to add that the usual fingerings work just fine and in fact I
would prefer to use fingerings if I would find a way to get a
satisfactory output (all fingerings aligned vertically above the

Examples of similar scores (showing the usual desired output):

If there is a better / more proper way to use "__", please also correct me.

Thank you,

PS: please CC me


\version "2.19.30"
\language "deutsch"

melody = \fixed c' {
  \time 2/4
  \key b \major

  % this is missing ties
  % but allows adding button labels
  << {f'2} {s8 d'4.} {s4 b4} {s4. g8} >>
  <f b d' f'>4. <f f'>8 |

  % this contains proper ties,
  % but doesn't allow adding button labels
  \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
  << {f'2~} {s8 d'4.~} {s4 b4~} {s4. g8} >>
  <f b d' f'>4. <f f'>8 |

  <f f'>8 <b d'> <a c'> <g b> |
  <g b>8. <f a>16 <f a>4 |

  % built-in mechanism for fingerings does both
  << {f'2~-4} {s8 d'4.~-3} {s4 b4~-2} {s4. g8-1} >>
  <f-1 b-2 d'-3 f'-4>4. <f f'>8 |

buttonsIV = \lyricmode {
  "4"    __ _ _ _ _ "4"
  "4/B6" __ _ _ _ _ "4/B6"
buttonsIII = \lyricmode {
  \skip 1 "3"    __ _ _ _ ""
  \skip 1 "3/B5" __ _ _ _ ""

buttonsII = \lyricmode {
  \skip 1 \skip 1 "2"    __ _ _ ""
  \skip 1 \skip 1 "2/B4" __ _ _ ""

buttonsI = \lyricmode {
  \skip 1 \skip 1 \skip 1 "1"    "1"    "1"
  \skip 1 \skip 1 \skip 1 "1/C5" "1/B3" "1/B3"

\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
    \new Lyrics = "buttonsIV"  \with { \override
VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #DOWN }
    \new Lyrics = "buttonsIII" \with { \override
VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #DOWN }
    \new Lyrics = "buttonsII"  \with { \override
VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #DOWN }
    \new Lyrics = "buttonsI"   \with { \override
VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #DOWN }
    \new Voice  = "melody" { \melody }
    \context Lyrics = "buttonsIV"  { \lyricsto "melody" { \buttonsIV  } }
    \context Lyrics = "buttonsIII" { \lyricsto "melody" { \buttonsIII } }
    \context Lyrics = "buttonsII"  { \lyricsto "melody" { \buttonsII  } }
    \context Lyrics = "buttonsI"   { \lyricsto "melody" { \buttonsI   } }

Attachment: test-golica.ly
Description: Binary data

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