> On 9 Nov 2016, at 18:16, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Hans Åberg <haber...@telia.com> writes:
>> An accordion instruction book shows one should play buttons from
>> above. Check what pros do. Fingering is individual, so if your fingers
>> are thicker than normal, perhaps that does not work, and you will have
>> to do something else.
> No, that's just fine.  There is enough space for my fingers.  It's just
> the act of trilling 3-4 on adjacent buttons in that direction requires a
> dexterity that I haven't sufficiently developed.  

I made the 2D layout so that the diatonic scales curve downwards, so as to 
match the hand. So that might be a difference.

> I find it easier on
> piano keys with their larger resilience and better ways to change the
> relative finger position/distance due to the long piano key shape.  But
> overall the payoff of the chromatic button system on a portable wind
> keyboard is still a lot better.

After using that 2D layout for a some years, I felt a piano keyboard just as 
good, at least if one should do microtonality, because microtones should be 
close to the ordinary ones for playability, and then one looses the feature 
that trasposition is the same as translation.

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