Robert Schmaus <> writes: > Dear Ponderers, > > I've got the following question about a problem involving bar number > checks and repeats. When I'm engraving a bigger project, I find it > useful to employ bar number checks. I also find it very useful to use > the technique of having seperate layout and midi score blocks, the > latter with \unfoldRepeats, as described here: > > > However, if there are "repeat volta" sections present in the score, > all bar number checks seem to be off in the midi generation. Consider > the following snippet: > > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% > \version "2.19.35" > > music = \relative c'' { > > \barNumberCheck #1 > c c c c > > \barNumberCheck #2 > \repeat volta 2 { d d d d } > > \barNumberCheck #3 > e e e e > } > > \score { > \unfoldRepeats > \music > \layout{} > } > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% > > If unfoldRepeat is used in the score block, the bar number check > (sensibly) expects the last bar to be bar # 4, not 3. > > As workaround, I could leave out \unfoldRepeats while creating the > score and just use it for the final engraving. But there might be some > trick to have the bar number checks supressed in a score block - does > anyone know?
Not much of a trick. \set Score.ignoreBarChecks = ##t Now I habitually look for such information in the code (which is sort of the most direct to navigate for me). Checking for the actual documented availability of this property turns up dak@lola:/usr/local/tmp/lilypond$ git grep ignoreBarChecks Documentation/misc/ChangeLog-2.10: ignoreBarChecks. Fixes: Documentation/misc/ChangeLog-2.10: * lily/ (process): ignoreBarChecks property. lily/ SCM check = tr->get_property ("ignoreBarChecks"); ly/ ignoreBarChecks = ##t scm/define-context-properties.scm: (ignoreBarChecks ,boolean? "Ignore bar checks.") which means that it is completely undocumented apart from a mention in the automatically generated Internals Reference. The first line suggests that this was just used as a hotfix for stopping \partcombine from generating warnings, and indeed its only use is in the output definition \partCombineListener . Wait. Bar number check, not bar check. Uh, let me reconsider. This is not even a basic LilyPond music expression but open-coded in ly/ : barNumberCheck = #(define-music-function (n) (integer?) (_i "Print a warning if the current bar number is not @var{n}.") (make-music 'ApplyContext 'procedure (lambda (c) (let ((cbn (ly:context-property c 'currentBarNumber))) (if (and (number? cbn) (not (= cbn n))) (ly:input-warning (*location*) "Barcheck failed got ~a expect ~a" cbn n)))))) I think it would be reasonable to let this thing also heed ignoreBarChecks ? That would mean something like barNumberCheck = #(define-music-function (n) (integer?) (_i "Print a warning if the current bar number is not @var{n}.") (make-music 'ApplyContext 'procedure (lambda (c) (if (not (ly:context-property c 'ignoreBarChecks #f)) (let ((cbn (ly:context-property c 'currentBarNumber))) (if (and (number? cbn) (not (= cbn n))) (ly:input-warning (*location*) "Barcheck failed got ~a expect ~a" cbn n))))))) This should likely really be in LilyPond itself (and some documentation would not be amiss for ignoreBarChecks) but while it isn't, you can copy&paste. -- David Kastrup _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list