Dear Ponderers,

I've got the following question about a problem involving bar number checks and repeats. When I'm engraving a bigger project, I find it useful to employ bar number checks. I also find it very useful to use the technique of having seperate layout and midi score blocks, the latter with \unfoldRepeats, as described here:

However, if there are "repeat volta" sections present in the score, all bar number checks seem to be off in the midi generation. Consider the following snippet:

\version "2.19.35"

music = \relative c'' {

  \barNumberCheck #1
  c c c c

  \barNumberCheck #2
  \repeat volta 2 { d d d d }

  \barNumberCheck #3
  e e e e

\score {

If unfoldRepeat is used in the score block, the bar number check (sensibly) expects the last bar to be bar # 4, not 3.

As workaround, I could leave out \unfoldRepeats while creating the score and just use it for the final engraving. But there might be some trick to have the bar number checks supressed in a score block - does anyone know?


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