Just found out this is not exactly true. Fonts I have purchased are there. 
Subscription fonts are not.

I found where they are, and they are hidden, and obfuscated and in folders you 
cannot read, such as:


which varies on reboot. Heavily DRM'd.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Bernard [mailto:andrew.bern...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, 8 November 2016 12:27 AM
To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Subject: RE: Skyfonts

Hi Alexander,

The Skyfonts plot clarifies. Indeed, thanks to you I have been able to discover 
that the Skyfonts downloads are located here in Windows 10:




and so on - you can subscribe to multiple services.

Since I have a Monotype subscription the name is in the path, but I think you 
can have SkyFonts from elsewhere, for Google fonts for example.

Furthermore the folder holds a normal OpenType font file, not encrypted, no 
name mangling, perfectly able to be copied. I suppose one can say they are 
'slightly hidden'.


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