On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 4:53 PM, Karol Majewski <karo...@wp.pl> wrote:
> I think I don't have to compare dot.staff-position and 
> notehead.staff-position. I can simply check if Dots.direction is 1 or -1.
> Still I'm doing something wrong here:

Could you please provide your test example when you give code?  I'm
assembling an example each time you provide code from bits and pieces
you've already given.  Chances are, I will miss something that way.

> tweakTie =
> #(lambda
>   (grob)
>   (let*
>     ((ties
>         (ly:grob-array->list
>           (ly:grob-object grob 'ties)))
>       (notehead
>         (ly:spanner-bound
>           (car ties) LEFT))
>       (stem
>         (ly:grob-object notehead 'stem))
>       (flag
>         (ly:grob-object stem 'flag))
>       (dots
>         (ly:grob-object notehead 'dot))

If there are no dots, the following will cause an error.  You check
below if the dot is a grob, but you should do it before you query the
direction.  In other words, request the dot direction after the check
for the Dot grob below.

>       (dots-dir
>         (ly:grob-property dots 'direction)))
>     (if
>       (>
>         (length ties) 1)
>       (begin
>         (if
>           (ly:grob? flag)
>           (ly:grob-set-property! flag 'Y-extent
>             (cons 4 0)))
>         (for-each
>           (lambda
>             (tie)
>             (ly:grob-set-nested-property! tie '(details skyline-padding) 5)) 
> ties)))

Note that the following two if clauses can be consolidated for more
economical and maintainable code.  Direction can be used as a
multiplier, since it will be either -1 or 1: simply multiply -0.25 by
direction.  The only "if" to check for is that there is a dot.

>     (if
>       (and
>         (= dots-dir 1)
>         (ly:grob? dots))
>       (for-each
>         (lambda
>           (tie)
>           (let
>             ((tie-dir
>                 (ly:grob-property tie 'direction)))
>             (if
>               (= tie-dir 1)
>               (begin
>                 (ly:grob-set-nested-property! tie '(details skyline-padding) 
> 5)
>                 (ly:grob-set-property! tie 'Y-offset -0.25))))) ties))
>     (if
>       (and
>         (= dots-dir -1)
>         (ly:grob? dots))
>       (for-each
>         (lambda
>           (tie)
>           (let
>             ((tie-dir
>                 (ly:grob-property tie 'direction)))
>             (if
>               (= tie-dir -1)
>               (begin
>                 (ly:grob-set-nested-property! tie '(details skyline-padding) 
> 5)
>                 (ly:grob-set-property! tie 'Y-offset 0.25))))) ties))))
> \layout {
>   \context {
>     \Score
>     \override TieColumn.before-line-breaking = #tweakTie
>   }
> }

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