On Sat, 2016-10-22 at 00:59 +0200, Sirius Barras wrote:
> Dear Urs and Simon
> I'm not sure to understand how to correctly use your solution: 
> > <<
> >   \new Staff { c'1 }
> >   \new Dynamics { s1 \p }
> >   \new Dynamics { s1 \f }
> >   \new Staff { \clef bass c1 }
> > >>
> My apologize if my question is naif, but in case I need to apply my
> dynamics not at the beginning but somewhere in the center of the
> piece, should I count the number of measures and change { s1 \p } in
> accord with it? If this is the case, then of course this type of
> solution make sense only when you have a complex and frequent
> dynamics. Or am I wrong?

well, I *think* it only makes sense if you need to have the dynamics
automatically aligned horizontally. It can also be used to position
dynamic markings at arbitrary musical moments. Either of these goals can
be achieved by tweaking positions however, but that is where the
trade-off comes in. But see Kieren's response which doesn't concur with
this - I'm no expert!


> Thank you, g.
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