Am 21.10.2016 um 10:28 schrieb Sirius Barras:
> > What is the partial solution you found so far (would be very helpful to
> > know)?
> Difficult to answer, found many things:) 
> When I have not been able to solve my problem with what I thought it
> was the correct (but ugly)...
>   \mark \markup  \column {"1.\dynamic p" "2.\dynamic f"}  
>   bes'2.-3 bes'4-4   
> I tried everything I found online, mixing \mark \markup  \tweak etc. I
> know it's not the best way to work but sometimes you hope in miracles :)
> > The following seems to *basically* do what you need:
> > <<
> >   \new Staff { c'1 }
> >   \new Dynamics { s1 \p }
> >   \new Dynamics { s1 \f }
> >   \new Staff { \clef bass c1 }
> > >>
> Yes, you're right, it doesn't look good yet :)
No need to bother with that before knowing it's the right direction.

> but it is probably what I need. I have some more question.
> 1) I separated left and right hand using two variables. To generate
> the output I do:
> \score 
> {
>   \new PianoStaff 
>   <<
>     \new Staff = "right" {\right}    
>     \new Staff = "left"  { \left}
>   >>
>   \layout { }
> }
> Then, even if possible it would be extremely difficult to use your
> solution....isn't it? Should I arrange the code differently?

Not at all. If you specify the dynamics as two more variables (e.g.
dynOne and dynTwo) you can simply write

    \new Staff = "right" {\right}
    \new Dynamics \dynOne
    \new Dynamics \dynTwo
    \new Staff = "left"  { \left}

(with all the surroundings of course)
(BTW: if you assign *only* the variable to the staff you don't need the
curly braces around it)

> And also is there a better way to indicate that the first repeat you
> have to play "piano" and the second time "forte"?

I think your solution is pretty straightforward and common.


> Thank you very much Urs. 
> S.

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