Hi all,

> P.S. I don’t think there should be anything _but_ the anglicised version in 
> the LSR. It’s a very bad idea to use German variable names in probably any 
> programming language.

Hmmm… Then should we change the default language of Lilypond (e.g., for note 
names) to “english”?
<grabs popcorn>  ;)

Joking aside: I hear and appreciate your point. But I would suggest that, all 
other things (e.g., coding time) being equal, it might be better all around if 
the LSR contained an *internationalized* version (e.g., with the variable names 
as strings in some list that can be switched in/out). Then there wouldn’t be 
“anglicised” versions or anything — just a language-independent version, with 
string sets for whichever languages have been added by users.

Best regards,

Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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