>>>>> "D" == David Wright <lily...@lionunicorn.co.uk> writes:

    D> If one can save OSC files like MIDI files, could you please send
    D> me one, and some instructions on how to play it.

Attachment: score-with-notes.osc
Description: Binary data

If you by "play it" mean getting sound from it, set up whatever OSC
enabled player you prefer, making sure the OSC-path \myNote reacts to
something having a start time and a 'freq' parameter.

For fun i included messages and parameters with symbolic names for
time-signatures, beams, and tuplets in this prototype file, ie. it could
be used to carry layout info for notation for LY.

    D> It's a bit premature for me to try to compare the protocols or
    D> the formats as I have no experience with OSC, only MIDI.

MIDI is fixed.  OSC (the protocol) doesn't care, which is perhaps
confusing, but is what could make it useful in this context.

If you want to gain a basic understanding you can check out
SuperCollider, esp. the docs relating to NRT synthesis, perhaps also
simple clients like Matt Wrights sendOSC.


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