Am 13. August 2016 16:15:31 MESZ, schrieb "Erik Ronström" <>:
>AFAIK, OSC is only a communication protocol – what is sent over the
>protocol is up to the application. So it is not a replacement for MIDI,
>rather a complement.

Indeed. OSC is used for all kinds of remote control stuff. It sends and 
receives messages that use a path structure for addressing.

I have in the past for example used it to convert controller messages to 
meaningful messages and vice versa (in PureData or Max/Msp patches).


>> 13 aug. 2016 kl. 15:52 skrev bb <>:
>> is sayed to replace MIDI. Is this something usefull for lilypond? Can
>one save osc files like MIDI files?
>> Kindly
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