On Wed, 2016-08-10 at 19:13 +0200, Thomas Weber wrote:
> Hi all,
> in old orchestral scores one can observe that engravers did not hesitate to 
> make more room in dense situations by moving dynamics into the staff rather 
> than putting them below (or above).  To achieve the same effect, I tried the 
> following:
> {
>   \once \override Staff.DynamicText #'X-offset = -4
>   \once \override Staff.DynamicText #'Y-offset = 3
>   c' \f
> }
> But Lilypond insist on keeping the dynamic outside of the staff.  I'm not an 
> experienced Lilypond user, so I'm most likely missing something.  How can I 
> achieve this effect?  (And are there counterparts to X-offset and Y-offset 
> that allow specifying an absolute position?  At least staff-position does not 
> seem to work.)

This seems to work

\version "2.19.43"
  c'-\tweak #'extra-offset #'(-4 . 3) \f

Can someone expert let me know if that has some hidden implications?


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