Thomas Weber <> writes:

> Am 10.08.2016 um 20:33 schrieb Robin Bannister:
>> Thomas Weber wrote:
>>> But Lilypond insist on keeping the dynamic outside of the staff.
>> Try
>> {
>>   \override Staff.DynamicLineSpanner  #'outside-staff-priority = ##f
>>   \override Staff.DynamicText #'X-offset = -4
>>   \override Staff.DynamicLineSpanner #'Y-offset = 0
>>   c' \f
>> }
> Great, that works!  What does ##f actually stand for?

"false".  The Scheme notation for false is #f, and to get from LilyPond
to Scheme requires another # .  You could also write #(< 1 0) with the
same result: (< 1 0) evaluates to false in Scheme.

The normal value for outside-staff-priority is a number determining how
material outside of the staff is to be ordered.  Setting it to false
instructs LilyPond to not place it outside the staff at all.

David Kastrup

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