One possible solution is to use a separate Staff context, where you have peeled off most normal engravers and reduced the font size.
However, the idea of allowing for general text markups in lyrics would certainly be useful in several occasions. I send a copy of this feature request to the lilypond-devel list.
Bertalan Fodor wrote:
is there any possibility to use markup in lyrics (2.2.5), I mean sg like this:
\new Lyrics \lyrics { interesting^\markup{\tiny \note #"4" #0.7 = 160} lyrics }
Actually I need the following effect:
This is stan -- dard rythm. | | |--| | | This is nonstan -- dard rythm.
That is, printing ryhtm above the second line of lyrics. Could it be done with embeddedps or something?
Thank you much,
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