It seems that nobody answered your question yet. Actually, the lilypond command doesn't provide that much flexibility in the layout. If you want more freedom to adjust the layout yourself, I recommend to use lilypond-book instead. Also, the situation is fairly different in the latest development versions and in the next stable version, 2.4, that will appear very soon now. There, all the layout is done from within LilyPond, whereas it earlier was partly done by LaTeX, and there are more possibilities to control the layout.
Jean-Charles & Isabelle Malahieude wrote:
Using version 2.2.6 on Mandrake 10.0
Hi all !
Trying to get a (very) nice output, I get some trouble with layout :
* how to set the top margin and specify a headheight ?
* specifying a header will introduce collision with the first system ; how to avoid that ?
* same thing happens with the "poet", except that I can introduce a linefeed in this case.
consider the following excerpt :
---------------8-----------------8------------------ \version "2.2.6" #(set-global-staff-size 16) \include ""
\header { filename = "" latexoptions = "twoside" language = "french" head = "Le chant des oyseaux - Ch{\oe}ur" title = "Le Chant des Oyseaux" composer = "Clément Janequin (v.1485-1558)" poet = "Chansons, Attaingnant 1528 \\\ " copyright = "JC Malahieude - 2004" footer = "Chorale du Conservatoire de Manosque" }
global = \notes { \override Score.RehearsalMark #'print-function = #(make-stencil-boxer 0.15 0.3 0.3 Text_item::print) \override Score.RehearsalMark #'padding = #4 \key f \major \time 4/4 \tempo 4 = 144 \skip 1*15 \bar "||" } % armure
saut = \notes { \skip 1*15 \break } % saut de ligne
SopMus = \notes \relative c'' { R1*2 | r2 d4 d8 d | d4 d ef d8[ c] | bf4 c d4. d8 | c4 bf a2 | g2 bf4 bf8 bf | bf4 r r2 | r2 d4 d8 d | %% 10 d4 d ef d8[ c] | bf4 c d4. d8 | c4 bf a2( | g2 bf | a4 g4. fs16[ e] fs4) | g1 | R1*4 | %% 20 bf4. bf8 a4 d | } % SopMus
AltMus = \notes \relative c'' { a4 a8 a a4 a | bf4 a8[ g] f4.( g16[ f] | g4) a bf a8[ g] | f2 r4 f | g4 a bf4. bf8 | a4( g2 f4) | g1 | r2 a4 a8 a | g4 a bf a8[ g] | %% 10 f2 r4 f | g4 a bf4. bf8 | a4( g2 f4 | g2 f | e2 d) | d1 | R1*2 | f4. f8 e4 a | a4 g a e | %% 20 g4. g8 f4 f | } % AltMus
TenMus = \notes \relative c' { R1 | d4 d8 d d4 d | ef4 d8[ c] bf2 | r4 bf c d | ef4 c bf8[( c d e!] | f4 g d4. f8 | ef2) d | d4 d8 d d4 d | ef4 d8[ c] bf2 | %% 10 r4 bf c d | ef4 c bf( f'~ | f8 e d c d2) | bf4 c d4. d8 | c4 bf a2 | g1 | r2 bf4. bf8 | a4 d d c | d4 a c4. c8 | bf4 bf a2 | %% 20 g2 r | } % TenMus
BasMus = \notes \relative c { R1*6 | g'4 g8 g g4 g | bf4 a8[ g] f2 | r4 f g4. a8 | %% 10 bf2 r | r2 r4 bf, | f'4 g d d | ef4. ef8 d4 bf | c2( d) | g1 | bf4. a8 g4 g | f4( e8[ d] e4) e | d2 r | r2 f4 c'~ | %% 20 c8 bf bf c d2 | } %BasMus
SopLyr = \lyrics { \override LyricText #'font-name = #"cmr10" Ré -- veil -- lez vous c{\oe}urs en -- dor -- mis, Le Dieu d'a -- mours vous son -- ne, ré -- veil -- lez vous. Ré -- veil -- lez vous c{\oe}urs en -- dor -- mis, Le Dieu d'a -- mours vous son -- ne. %% 20 À ce pre -- mier } %SopLyr
AltLyr = \lyrics { \override LyricText #'font-name = #"cmr10" Ré -- veil -- lez vous c{\oe}urs en -- dor -- mis, __ c{\oe}urs en -- dor -- mis, Le Dieu d'a -- mours vous son -- ne. Ré -- veil -- lez vous c{\oe}urs en -- dor-- mis, Le Dieu d'a -- mours vous son -- ne. %% 18 À ce pre -- mier jour de mai Oy -- seaux fe -- ront mer } %AltLyr
TenLyr = \lyrics {
\override LyricText
#'font-name = #"cmr10"
Ré -- veil -- lez vous c{\oe}urs en -- dor -- mis,
Le Dieu d'a -- mours vous son -- ne,
Ré -- veil -- lez vous c{\oe}urs en -- dor -- mis,
Le Dieu d'a -- mours vous son -- ne, le Dieu d'a -- mours vous son -- ne.
À ce pre -- mier jour de may. Oy -- seaux fe -- ront mer -- veil -- les,
} %TenLyr
BasLyr = \lyrics { \override LyricText #'font-name = #"cmr10" Ré -- veil -- lez vous c{\oe}urs en -- dor -- mis, c{\oe}urs en -- dor -- mis c{\oe}urs en -- dor -- mis, Le Dieu d'a -- mours vous son -- ne; À ce pre -- mier jour __ de may oy -- seaux fe -- ront mer -- veil } %BasLyr
\score { % paper output \context ChoirStaff << \override Score.BarNumber #'padding = #2 \override Score.MetronomeMark #'padding = #3 % \set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(3 . 1)
\context Staff = Sopran << \set Staff.instrument = "Soprano " \set Staff.instr = "S " \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f \unset Staff.melismaBusyProperties \set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 3) \clef treble \context Voice = Sopran { << \global \saut \SopMus >>} \context Lyrics = Sopran \lyricsto Sopran \SopLyr >>
\context Staff = Alto << \set Staff.instrument = "Alto " \set Staff.instr = "A " \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f \unset Staff.melismaBusyProperties \set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 3) \clef treble \context Voice = Alto {<<\global \AltMus >>} \context Lyrics = Alto \lyricsto Alto \AltLyr >>
\context Staff = Tenor << \set Staff.instrument = "Tenor " \set Staff.instr = "T " \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f \unset Staff.melismaBusyProperties \set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 3) \clef "G_8" \context Voice = Tenor {<<\global \TenMus >>} \context Lyrics = Tenor \lyricsto Tenor \TenLyr >>
\context Staff = Basse << \set Staff.instrument = "Basse " \set Staff.instr = "B " \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f \unset Staff.melismaBusyProperties \set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 3) \clef bass \context Voice = Basse {<<\global \BasMus >>} \context Lyrics = Basse \lyricsto Basse \BasLyr >> >> % ChoirStaff
\paper { % définition du papier #(set-paper-size "a4") textheight = 276.0\mm indent = 0.0\mm linewidth = 17.0\cm interscorelinefill = 20.0\pt } % paper section } % paper output
Thanks in advance, Jean-Charles
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