On Sun 24 Jul 2016 at 12:12:35 (+0200), Urs Liska wrote:
> Am 24. Juli 2016 11:56:59 MESZ, schrieb Jacques Menu Muzhic 
> <imj-muz...@bluewin.ch>:
> >If I may suggest: you’ll be better off using a Lilypond-aware editor
> >such as Frescobaldi, that will indent your code automatically as well
> >as supply context-sensitive input help.
> >That’s a great help to match syntax delimiters such as { and }, [ and
> >], << and >>.
> From the OP's log it's clear tgat Raphael *does* use Frescobaldi. 

I guess the OP nicely demonstrates the difference between using
Frescobaldi to run LP code (which buys you nothing compared with the
LP command line) and using it as a LP-aware editor which helps prevent
writing code like that presented.

Even the much maligned emacs would indent the code well enough to show
that two constructs were still unclosed at the end of the source.

> What looks fishy to me is the placement of the \relative. This should enclose 
> the music and not the staff group.

As you're no doubt aware, it can govern any music expression. However,
by its placement here, the OP demonstrates a presumably unintended
nesting of \relatives which can lead to head-scratching if more notes
are written after the nested section (which is not the case here).


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