Thanks as well ;-)


> Am 24.07.2016 um 11:56 schrieb Jacques Menu Muzhic <>:
> Hello Raphael,
> Fixing the code as mentioned by Jean produces the score alright, with the 
> following log:
> Starting lilypond 2.19.44 [Untitled (2)]...
> Processing 
> `/var/folders/jc/xrpy67_x6_vcjfzpzds_9_6m0000gn/T/frescobaldi-wikH7Q/tmpX8ROGi/'
> Parsing...
> Interpreting music...
> warning: cannot find or create new `voice'
> [8][16]
> Preprocessing graphical objects...
> Interpreting music...
> warning: cannot find or create new `voice'
> MIDI output to `document.midi'...
> Finding the ideal number of pages...
> Fitting music on 1 page...
> Drawing systems...
> Layout output to 
> `/var/folders/jc/xrpy67_x6_vcjfzpzds_9_6m0000gn/T//lilypond-u6NMyf'...
> Converting to `document.pdf'...
> Deleting 
> `/var/folders/jc/xrpy67_x6_vcjfzpzds_9_6m0000gn/T//lilypond-u6NMyf'...
> Success: compilation successfully completed
> Completed successfully in 1'17 ».
> If I may suggest: you’ll be better off using a Lilypond-aware editor such as 
> Frescobaldi, that will indent your code automatically as well as supply 
> context-sensitive input help.
> That’s a great help to match syntax delimiters such as { and }, [ and ], << 
> and >>.
> JM
>> Le 24 juil. 2016 à 11:44, Jean Brefort <> a écrit :
>> Le dimanche 24 juillet 2016 à 09:33 +0000, Raphael Thoene a écrit :
>>>> I'm not top posting
>>> Hi,
>>> as a newbie, I probably do something very „simple“ wrong but my code
>>> works
>>> until the lower voice in the 
>>> left hand. Then I receive the following error message:
>>> Starting lilypond 2.18.2 []...
>>> Processing
>>> `/var/folders/6q/lvl_dtbx73b7605lwv57cd440000gn/T/frescobaldi-
>>> irqWsH/tmpIuPrL5/'
>>> Parsing...
>>> /var/folders/6q/lvl_dtbx73b7605lwv57cd440000gn/T/frescobaldi-irqWsH
>>> /tmpIuPrL5/Tylam-Susato-c-
>>> error: syntax error, unexpected \layout
>>> \layout {}
>>> /var/folders/6q/lvl_dtbx73b7605lwv57cd440000gn/T/frescobaldi-irqWsH
>>> /tmpIuPrL5/Tylam-Susato-c-
>>> error: syntax error, unexpected end of
>>> input
>>> }
>>> fatal error: failed files:
>>> "/var/folders/6q/lvl_dtbx73b7605lwv57cd440000gn
>>> /T/frescobaldi-
>>> irqWsH/tmpIuPrL5/"
>>> Exited with return code 1.
>>> What is wrong in my code? Curly Braces wrong set?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Raphael.
>>> P.S. By default, it is apparently impossible for me to send an email
>>> to this list via my regular email 
>>> program, although I am receiving all posts (excluding mine, of
>>> course),
>>> i.e. my email address has been 
>>> validated. 
>>> \version "2.18.2"
>>> \header{
>>>  title = "Pavane"
>>>  subtitle = ""
>>>  composer = "Tylman Susato"
>>>  enteredby = "RT"
>>>  }
>>> \score {
>>> % Relatives C'' für rechte Hand
>>> \relative c''
>>> % Erzeugen einer Staff Group
>>>  \new StaffGroup <<
>>> % neues System
>>>  \new Staff <<
>>>    % Oberstimme
>>>    \new voice = "first"
>>>      {
>>>         \voiceOne
>>>          \clef treble
>>>          \time 2/2
>>>          c2. b4                                             % m1
>>>          a c2 b8 a                                  % m2
>>>          b4. a8 b c b a                             % m3
>>>          b2. b4                                             % m4
>>>          a4. g8 a b a4~                             % m5
>>>          a c b a                                            %
>>> m6
>>>          gis4. fis8 gis a gis fis                   % m7
>>>          gis2. a8 b                                 % m8
>>>          c2. b4                                             % m9
>>>          a4 c2 b8 a                                         % m10
>>>          b4. a8 b c b a                             % m11
>>>          b c d c b4 a                                       % m12
>>>          gis8 a b gis a4 fis4                       % m13
>>>          gis8 e a4~a8 gis16 fis a8 [gis]    % m14
>>>          a2. a4                                             %
>>> m15
>>>          a2 a2                                              % m16
>>> }   
>>>     % Oberstimme
>>>      \new Voice = "second"
>>>      {
>>>        \voiceTwo
>>>         e2. d4                                              % m1
>>>         c d e fis                                           %
>>> m2
>>>         g1~                                                 %
>>> m3
>>>         g2. g4                                              
>>> % m4
>>>         e1                                                  %
>>> m5
>>>         f4 e g d                                            % m6
>>>         e1~                                                 %
>>> m7
>>>         e~                                                  %
>>> m8
>>>         e2. d4                                              % m9
>>>         c d e fis                                           %
>>> m10
>>>         g1~                                                 %
>>> m11
>>>         g2~g8 f e d                                         % m12
>>>         e2 a,                                               % m13
>>>         e'4 d e2                                            %
>>> m14
>>>         cis2. cis4                                  % m15
>>>         cis2 cis                                            %
>>> m16
>>>      }
>>> % Relatives c für linke Hand
>>> \relative c
>>> \new Staff <<
>>> \new Voice = "first"
>>> {
>>> \clef bass  
>>> \voiceOne
>>> a2. b4                                              % m1
>>> c a c2                                              % m2
>>> d4. c8 d e d c                                      % m3
>>> d2. d4                                              % m4
>>> c4. b8 c d c b                              % m5
>>> c2 d4 a                                             % m6
>>> b4. a8 b c b a                                      % m7
>>> b2. e4                                              % m8
>>> a,2. b4                                             % m9
>>> c4 a4 c2                                            % m10
>>> d4. c8 d e d4~                              % m11
>>> d2. c4                                              % m12
>>> b4 e c d                                            % m13
>>> b a b2                                              % m14
>>> \oneVoice
>>> a2. a4                                              % m15
>>> a2 a                                                        % m16
>>> }
>>> \new Voice = "second"
>>> {
>>> \voiceTwo
>>> }
>>> \layout {}
>>> \midi {
>>> \tempo 2 = 60
>>> }
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> lilypond-user mailing list
>> Hi
>> Two blobs are unclosed:
>> The "StaffGroup <<" misses the ">>" end (before \layout)
>> and the "\score {" group has no closing brace at the end of your input.
>> Regards,
>> Jean
>> _______________________________________________
>> lilypond-user mailing list

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