Il giorno gio 7 lug 2016 alle 9:23, David Kastrup <> ha
Usefulness does not come into play here as long as there is a
The PDF standard states:
Where did you take this?
Key Type Value
Title text string (Optional; PDF 1.1) The document’s title.
Author text string (Optional) The name of the person who
created the document.
Subject text string (Optional; PDF 1.1) The subject of the
Keywords text string (Optional; PDF 1.1) Keywords associated with
the document.
Creator text string (Optional) If the document was converted to
PDF from another format,
the name of the conforming product that
created the original document
from which it was converted.
Producer text string (Optional) If the document was converted to
PDF from another format,
the name of the conforming product that
converted it to PDF.
CreationDate date (Optional) The date and time the document
was created, in human-
readable form (see 7.9.4, “Dates”).
ModDate date (Required if PieceInfo is present in the
document catalogue;
otherwise optional; PDF 1.1) The date and
time the document was
most recently modified, in human-readable
form (see 7.9.4, “Dates”).
Trapped name (Optional; PDF 1.3) [...]
The standard does not take into account that the author of the document
might be different from the author of the __content__ in the document?
What's more relevant when you search a document? The person who created
the document in a computer or the author of the content of the
document? Most of times it's the latter. If I have a library of ebooks
and search an author name, I want to find the real author of the books,
not the publisher name or whoever created the ebook.
The advantage of an application such as Gnome Documents is that you
can quickly access a PDF score without having to browse through
folders in the file manager.
Still no point in ignoring the standard.
I see, in the documentation we should not recommend using PDF metadata
in a way deviating from the standard. Even though the interpretation of
Author is ambiguous, as Chris and Andrew said.
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