On 2016-07-06 5:12 PM, Carl Sorensen wrote:
> I looked at the music.  Sustain on happened on each 1/4 note beat, sustain
> off happened at the fourth  sixteenth note in each 1/4 note beat.  So I
> just changed the pedal line to the following:
>  pedal = {
>        s8. \sustainOn s16 \sustainOff s8.\sustainOn s16\sustainOff
>        s8. \sustainOn s16 \sustainOff s8.\sustainOn s16\sustainOff
> }

For some reason, the way you wrote this made the `s32*31 \sustainOn s32
\sustainOff` trick make sense.  (But you’re probably right about how
this particular case is notated.)  Thank you.

—Joel C. Salomon

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