On 7/6/16 2:17 PM, "Joel C. Salomon" <joelcsalo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>It¹s entirely possible I¹m completely missing the mark about how to use
>the sustain pedals in Lilypond, but this is my best effort given my
>reading of the manual.  Any pointers or corrections would be
>appreciated; explanations even more so.

I looked at the music.  Sustain on happened on each 1/4 note beat, sustain
off happened at the fourth  sixteenth note in each 1/4 note beat.  So I
just changed the pedal line to the following:

 pedal = {
         s8. \sustainOn s16 \sustainOff s8.\sustainOn s16\sustainOff
         s8. \sustainOn s16 \sustainOff s8.\sustainOn s16\sustainOff

And that worked perfectly from my point of view.



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