Il giorno lun 20 giu 2016 alle 11:50, Thomas Morley <> ha scritto:
Hi Federico,

2016-06-20 9:28 GMT+02:00 Federico Bruni <>:
 Why is the TabNoteHead printed in the attached example?
 It happens only when using a chord.

in `slur::draw-bend-arrow' there's the line
(ly:grob-set-property! right-tab-note-head 'transparent #t)
If you look at how right-tab-note-head is found, you'll notice that
the first typed note is taken and used as a starting point for the
tweaked slur and later on made transparent. Ofcourse this is not
enough while having a chord.

Ok, I see

 A related question: if this is not a bug and I'm forced to tweak the
transparency of the TabNoteHead, how can I save the tweak in a variable? I think that it's not possible and I should use a function instead, right?

I think David answered already sufficiently.
But ofcourse it is not nice to use a tweak to _repair_ buggy
behaviour, better to kill the bug.

 Harm, any ideas? (see comments in the attached file)

Should be straight-forward: make _all_ TabNoteHeads of the
target-chord transparent. See attached.
Look out for the comment:
;;;; Change next line to the (for-each ...) expression
Please note: I didn't check whether other definitions have the same weakness.

Thanks Harm

If I copy your file to my git repository (to see the differences), I see a lot of "garbage". Don't know where it comes from... Would you mind sending a .diff file against the file I sent in this thread?

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