Federico Bruni <f...@inventati.org> writes:

> Why is the TabNoteHead printed in the attached example?
> It happens only when using a chord.

That one's over my head without investing some time so I'll wait to see
whether it's obvious to the authors first.

> A related question: if this is not a bug and I'm forced to tweak the
> transparency of the TabNoteHead, how can I save the tweak in a
> variable? I think that it's not possible and I should use a function
> instead, right?

It's possible and you should use a function.  "Saving a tweak" (but
actually defining a function anyway if you look closely is actually the
main use case for \etc .

   Both of those functions are simple single expressions where only the
last element of a function call or override is missing.  For those
particular function definitions, there is a simpler alternative syntax,
namely just writing out the constant part of the expression and
replacing its final missing element with ‘\etc’:

     padText =
       \once \override TextScript.padding = \etc

     \relative {
       c''4^"piu mosso" b a b
       \padText #1.8
       c4^"piu mosso" b a b
       \padText #2.6
       c4^"piu mosso" b a b
     [image src="lilypond/55/lily-9fb15b75.png" alt="[image of music]" 
text="image of music"]

     custosNote =
       \tweak NoteHead.stencil #ly:text-interface::print
       \tweak NoteHead.text
          \markup \musicglyph #"custodes.mensural.u0"
       \tweak Stem.stencil ##f

     \relative { c'4 d e f \custosNote g }
     [image src="lilypond/84/lily-bb731797.png" alt="[image of music]" 
text="image of music"]

David Kastrup

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