Am 27.05.2016 um 13:11 schrieb Urs Liska:

Am 27. Mai 2016 12:58:10 MESZ, schrieb Michael Hendry 

On 27 May 2016, at 11:36, Marc Hohl <> wrote:

Hi list,

as there are already (partly very emotional) dicussions concerning
F# vs. Gb in another (hijacked) thread,
I hope to get some information *without* starting a flame war ;-)

I have the following chord played on a guitar, see the attached

< c-sharp g-sharp b-sharp e' b'>

It starts as a c minor chord with a major 7, so I'd call it cmmaj7,
the added b' is the minor seventh.

cm7maj7 does not look quite right, so should the b' be written as an
a'-doublesharp, to call it cmmaj7#13?

Thanks in advance!


lilypond-user mailing list

There’s no trace of C minor here, as far as I can see (no C natural, no
E flat, no G natural) so I think I’d regarded it as a C sharp minor
seventh with an added major seventh.

It could be seen as part of a modified "Stairway to Heaven” cliché,
with the descending C sharp, C natural, B natural, A sharp sequence on
the D string.

I think the c minor was a simple typo and should read c sharp minor.

D#oh. Exactly, it was a typo – I mean c sharp minor.

I see two interpretations:

Write the highest note as an a# and consider it as an added 13#.

Write the upper notes as c-e-bf and interpret it as bitonal (C7 over csharp).

Ok. If I include the g-sharp I got C7#5 over c#. Wow.

Having major and minor 7 in the chord doesn't seem to make much sense to me.

I think I'd vote for a-doublesharp, but I'll wait some time – perhaps there are other ideas? ;-)




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