Hello Maurits,

I recognized the problem and I knew it had to do with the way you define
your staffs and your lyrics. So, I rearranged it a little bit and that
The way I read the documentation, the lyrics should be
created outside the staff context. and you defined, as far as I could see
a Voice context and a lyrics context in a Voice; I'am amazed it worked
anyway in the original situation

Have fun!
Ruud van Silfhout

----- Original Message -----
From: "Maurits Lamers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 4:48 PM
Subject: Little problem with lilypond (Modified by Maurits Lamers)

> Hi all,
> I run into a problem setting music for choir.
> I searched all archives, all wiki pages but nothing turned up.
> When you are setting music for choir, you sometimes have a first part
> that is for one voice only and repeated a few times (due to multiple
> verses).
> After that the verse is repeated, but this time with an extra voice
> written to it.
> The setting of the music is not a problem, but when you are trying to
> add lyrics there occurs something strange.
> The song in question is "We wish you a merry Christmas". I wrote a
> simple second voice to the last verse.
> Setting the music in lilypond was not difficult, so was setting the
> lyrics for the first three verses.
> I used a \new Staff to set those first three verses.
> To set the last verse, I used a new Choirstaff. Inside this Choirstaff
> I define two new staves.
> Because every voice in every staff has its own lyrics, I define the
> lyrics in each staff.
> What happens is this: If you use the code as showed below, a new staff
> is created without a key signature and the lyrics are aligned
> correctly, namely directly below the notes to which the lyrics belong
> to.
> If you include the key signature ( \key g \major ) (like in the second
> staff definition) the lyrics are misplaced, namely under the second
> staff
> I included both versions, namely with key signature definition and
> without. I include both the .ly files.
> You can also find all files at http://www2.hku.nl/~maurits/lilypond/
> The files with lyricsgoed are with the lyrics aligned correctly.
> The files with lyricsverkeerd are with the key signature and with the
> misplaced lyrics.
> I use Lilypond 2.2.5 for Mac OS X and PC and both render the same kind
> of problem.
> Anyone recognize this problem ??
> greets
> Maurits Lamers
> \new ChoirStaff {
> <<
> \new Staff {
> \notes \relative c' {
> \new Voice {
>   <<
>   \context Voice = melodietwee \relative c' {
>   s4 | s 2.*15 | s2
>   d4 | g g8 a g fis | e4 e e | a4 a8 b a g | fis4 d d | b'4 b8 c b a
> |
> g4 e d8 d | e4 a fis | g2 d4 | g g g | fis2 fis4 | g fis e | d2 a'4
> |
> b4 a8 a g g | d'4 d, d8 d | e4 a fis | b g c | a d b
>   }
>   \lyrics \lyricsto "melodietwee" \new Lyrics {
>   We wish you a mer -- ry Christ -- mas, we wish you a
>   mer -- ry Christ -- mas, we wish you a mer -- ry Christ -- mas
>   and a hap -- py new year. Glad ti -- dings we bring to you and
> your kin.
>   We wish you a mer -- ry Christ -- mas and a hap -- py new year.
>   }
>   >>
>   }
> }
> }
> \new Staff {
> \notes \relative c'{
> \key g \major
> \new Voice {
> <<
> \context Voice = stemtwee \relative c' {
> s4 | s 2.*15 | s2
> d4 | g, b d | e e8 d c b | a4 c e | fis fis8 e d c | b4 d fis |
> g g8 fis e d | c4 a d | g,2 d'4 | g,8 a b c d e | fis4. e8 d4 |
> b2 cis4 | d2 a'4 | b a g | d' d, d | e a fis | b g c | a d b
> }
> \lyrics \lyricsto "stemtwee" \new Lyrics {
> We wish you a mer -- ry Christ -- mas, we wish you a
>   mer -- ry Christ -- mas, we wish you a mer -- ry Christ -- mas
>   and a hap -- py new year. Glad ti -- dings we bring to you and
> your kin.
>   We wish you a mer -- ry Christ -- mas and a hap -- py new year.
> }
> >>
> }
> }
> }
>  >>
> }


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  \new ChoirStaff {
  \new Staff {
    \context Voice = melodietwee \notes \relative c' {
    \key g \major \time 3/4 \partial 4 s4 | s 2.*15 | s2
    d4 | g g8 a g fis | e4 e e | a4 a8 b a g | fis4 d d | b'4 b8 c b a |
    g4 e d8 d | e4 a fis | g2 d4 | g g g | fis2 fis4 | g fis e | d2 a'4 |
    b4 a8 a g g | d'4 d, d8 d | e4 a fis | b g c | a d b
    \lyrics \lyricsto "melodietwee" \new Lyrics {
    We wish you a mer -- ry Christ -- mas, we wish you a
    mer -- ry Christ -- mas, we wish you a mer -- ry Christ -- mas
    and a hap -- py new year. Glad ti -- dings we bring to you and  your
    We wish you a mer -- ry Christ -- mas and a hap -- py new year.
  \new Staff {
    \context Voice = stemtwee \notes \relative c' {
      \key g \major \time 3/4 \partial 4 s4 | s 2.*15 | s2
      d4 | g, b d | e e8 d c b | a4 c e | fis fis8 e d c | b4 d fis |
      g g8 fis e d | c4 a d | g,2 d'4 | g,8 a b c d e | fis4. e8 d4 |
      b2 cis4 | d2 a'4 | b a g | d' d, d | e a fis | b g c | a d b

  \lyrics \lyricsto "stemtwee" \new Lyrics {
      We wish you a mer -- ry Christ -- mas, we wish you a
      mer -- ry Christ -- mas, we wish you a mer -- ry Christ -- mas
      and a hap -- py new year. Glad ti -- dings we bring to you and your
      We wish you a mer -- ry Christ -- mas and a hap -- py new year.

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